Meet Melissa Eppes

Melissa Eppes has been singing all her life. In fact, her first accompanist was her grandfather, playing harmonica while she sat singing on his knee. As a teenager, she would sing wherever she could, and eventually spent three seasons in Nashville performing with the Country Music USA show at Opryland. Melissa is an accomplished singer and songwriter, and we absolutely love having her each Sunday as she helps lead us in worship.

Originally from Dangerfield, TX, she currently lives in Longview with her husband, David. They have three children.  (Yes, she drives in each Sunday to be with us.) Melissa has recently released a new song, "Peace Be Still", which she has performed here at HCF, and can be found on Spotify.

Here's a little more about Melissa . . .

Did music play a part in the early years of your life?

Very much so. Started singing along with anything that had music to it as soon as I could talk. Even commercials. I was singing at little opries in and around East Texas by age 11.

Are you from a musical family?

My Granddad played his harmonica and taught me funny little songs like "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" or "Irishman Shanty," but that was my only familial musical influence.

What is your favorite genre of music?

Classic R&B/Gospel

What do you enjoy about being a musician?

I love that being a musician allows me to connect with people.

Favorite song?

There are too many great songs to choose just one.

Who has been a driving influence or mentor in your life and why?

My mom was, very much in every way. She was a quiet strength, and never a "stage mom." She taught me to be gracious and grateful. She was my biggest fan, but kept me grounded. Most importantly, she was my first example of what it looks like to have His light and to shine it on everyone who crosses our path.

Are you currently reading any books? Favorite Authors?

If I can find a quiet time (and place) in between the chaos, I work on my song writing. So, no.

Is there a scripture that’s been a guiding influence in your life?

Romans 8:28 -  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

What gets you up on Sunday morning?

(Usually, one of my dogs.) The urge to be spiritually fed, our worship at HCF, the message, the love of our church family . . . I am full when I go home.

Introvert or extrovert?

You wouldn't think so, but introvert.

Favorite Food?

Comfort "soul" food.

What one word best describes you?

Sammy would say "LOUD!"

What do you do to relax?

I sometimes unwind by turning on an old movie. That works to get me out of my own head.

What is one message you would give to someone starting out as a musician?

Stay humble. It's a gift given by our Creator. Be a good steward of that blessed gift. Never stop learning from other gifted musicians whom God puts in your path. Rise to challenges! They will help you to excel in your craft.

We hope you've enjoyed learning a little more about Melissa Eppes. She'd love for you to say hi to her after church!