Highland Country Fellowship partners with many local and international organizations and missionaries to build the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

This video provides an overview of the organizations and missionaries HCF partnered with in 2023.

Below are our current ministry partnerships. Click the graphic or title for any ministry to be connected to their website.

Advocating for Children

Forerunner Mentoring serves the young men of Lake Highlands growing up without a father-figure at home by providing mentoring, programs, and family support in the name of Jesus.
LifeSavers Foundation is a life-affirming nonprofit organization serving people in crisis by providing free medical services for women and children and assisting the community with goods and services from its resale shop.
Youth Believing in Change provides a spiritual and educational foundation to children in the Vickery Meadow and Lake Highlands areas of Northeast Dallas.
Humanility frees and empowers children at risk and victims of poverty, war, natural disasters, and human trafficking, through compassionate care and sustainable economic and educational development.

Empowering Women

Haven of Love exists to bring healing and restoration to the hurting and broken women of our society - especially female offenders and those caught in the traps of human trafficking, prostitution, drug abuse, and domestic violence.
The mission of Thrive Women's Clinic is to save unborn children from abortion, build families and bring clients into a relationship with Jesus.
Seed Effect helps overcome poverty by providing access to economic empowerment, education, and spiritual discipleship in marginalized communities around the world.

Reaching the Unreached

Surpassing Grace

Surpassing Grace Ministry shows the love of God by rendering aid to those in need including orphans, displaced refugees, and other marginalized people.
The Center for Church Renewal communicates God's timeless truths through interactive teaching from Dr. Gene Getz.
The mission of East-West Ministries is to mobilize the body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
Sozo provides needed resources, support and training to trusted indigenous leaders so they can share the gospel, plant churches, and provide medical care, clean water, and education strategies.

Responding to Crisis

Our Calling is a faith-based organization in Dallas that leads the homeless to live healthy and sustainable lifestyles through lasting relationships and discipleship.
The Way Back serves formerly incarcerated individuals in the DFW area, helping them navigate reentry into their lives, families, and communities.
Traffic 911 is a North Texas-based non-profit organization working to free youth from sex trafficking through trust-based relationships.
Texas Baptist Men deliver help, hope, and healing through disaster relief and water ministry around the world.


Taking the Word of God to the people of Cuba through a prescription eye glasses program and youth feeding program.
JH Israel - Naomi Project is a trauma counseling program for families of IDF soldiers killed in action and victims of the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attack.
Samaritan’s Purse meets the needs of the victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Strengthening the Church

The Baptist General Convention of Texas works with churches to increase effectiveness of domestic and worldwide evangelism efforts through programs such as the Western Heritage Cowboy Church Support initiative.
The Dallas Baptist Association assists Dallas County churches in fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations.
Finishing Well Ministries encourages every retired Christian and every Christian thinking about retirement to understand and to fully live out God’s plan for their later years.

Mission Vickery Church

Mission Vickery Church is a Bible-believing Christian congregation serving the Vickery Meadow neighborhood in Dallas.
The mission of African Christian Outreach is to mold young men and women into change agents, with the mindset of investing their lives in those God puts them around in 10 central African countries.

Missionary Support

Through their work with South America Mission, Mike and Kelli Anderson work to see the church of Jesus Christ multiplied in Pucallpa, Peru.
Through his work with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Ed Condra helps with various Bible translation projects for the people of Papua New Guinea.
Through their work with Avant Ministries, Zac and Jennifer Malthaner are involved in church planting, evangelism and discipleship in Amealco, Mexico.
Through her work with Communitas International, Melinda Means is involved in ministry team support and church starting in Berlin.
Through her work with East-West Ministries, Vicki Mullins coordinates short-term mission trips to unreached people groups.